Sunday, 29 July 2012

My Favourite Blogs

Of course I follow multiple blogs, and I find each of them have something to offer. There is, however, a difference between the okay blogs I follow, and the amazing blogs I follow. In this post I will explain why you should read them, and why they stand out in the crowd.

The Sartorialist
Scott Schumann

The Sartorialist inspires me because of the artistic value of the photographs. I don't go to his blog to find the latest runway style, or because the clothing in the photos are intrinsically beautiful. What intrigues me about his photos are the context and the story behind them. Anyone can wear a crazy outfit and take a photograph of it, but few can make art of it. I don't consider The Sartorialist a fashion blog, so much as a visual account of human nature. Also, as one can see from the design of my blog, I don't shy away from colour and pattern. I find too many bloggers take the minimalist white-on-white approach, which can get a little monotonous. However, The Sartorialist uses white to its complete advantage. Because of the power and impact of the photographs, the minimalist design allows the the images to shine.
Favourite Photograph

Style Bubble
Susanna Lau
"Susie Bubble"

To be honest, Style Bubble is actually my ideal of a fashion blog, it's my inspiration in terms of what I want my blog to be. The posts on Style Bubble are always done with a certain level of professionalism found on few other blogs. Reading one of her posts is more like reading an article in a fashion magazine. In fact, I find reading Style Bubble more satisfying than reading a big name magazine like Vogue or Elle (on which there will be a post soon). Susie is able to incorporate her own personal style into her posts without focusing solely on her clothes. Some of the more interesting posts I find, are the ones on young, up and coming fashion design students. I find it difficult to get proper information on fashion, and the young up and coming talent in popular fashion editorials, so for this, I go to Style Bubble.
Favourite Post


Blair Eadie

There is no better blog than Atlantic-Pacific to get a straight up dose of fashion inspiration. Each outfit is carried out with such perfection and attention to detail. There is no denying that this woman is a fashionista in its truest sense. Her outfits are glam, but are often quirky and colourful to make it feel fun and easy. While Style Bubble sets my standards for writing, Atlantic-Pacific sets my standards for a outfit posts. Atlantic-Pacific is also unique because of the lack of words. Blair lets her photos speak for her, which is a refreshing difference from so many blogs that manage to write a lot without saying anything.
Favourite Outfit

These are the three blogs that I can't wait to appear in my bloglovin' inbox. Blogging has opened my eyes to so many different styles and ideas, I can't wait to find even more inspirational blogs like these.
What are your favourite blogs?


  1. atlantic-pasific is really cool as far as i know :)

  2. I agree, these are great choices! I also love Pink Peonies and The Fshion Fruit.

    xo Jenny

  3. I checked out both of these blogs, and I have to say that I am in love with Pink Peonies. The design is so sweet, and of course her outfits look great.
    Thanks for your thoughts.

  4. these are some of my favourite blogs also! i love alantic pacific and the satortorist never fails to impress

  5. I really enjoy reading your blog posts!!! So glad to have found it!!! If you have a chance, please visit/follow my fashion blog. Your supports will mean a lot to me!!! Thank you so much in advance. I look forward to hear from you and to read more of your future blog posts!!! Have a great day!!!

  6. i agree, love these blogs too.

  7. I love atlantic paciic as well!:)

  8. Interesting post!
    Hope you visit my blog and If you want we can follow each other.

  9. You write so well c:, and I love the blogs you picked (also, the 'fav photograph' of yours is a big favourite of mine too) also, this is the 1st time I heard of atlantic-pacific, but I'm thankful I did, shes an awesome blogger ^^

    xo, L
    PS: Be sure to check out my latest post :3

  10. I can get lost for days on all of those blogs! In fact it's not unusual when I do!


  11. Great blog choices. I love Style Bubble.

    Christie x

    Dark Blue Stripes

  12. den ersten Blog kenne cih noch gar nicht, da werde ich gleich mal vorbei schauen :)
    Wünsche dir noch einen schönen Tag <3

  13. Thanks for giving me more blogs to check out! ;)

    xo Jennifer

  14. These are also my favs... actually cult links!

    Virginie/ Style Reload

  15. i love your blog design!

    xx, rebecca

  16. Atlantic Pacific is my favorite. Off to check out Style Bubble! thanks for the recommendation :)

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  17. They're all very inspiring! Thanks for the post! Following you via Bloglovin'!


  18. I love stylebubble & the sartorialist.... Its cool that you not only showed us your fave blogs but WHY they're youre faves too.

  19. They really are awesome blogs! Such inspiration!


  20. This was a great post! I completely agree with what you said about Atlantic-Pacific; she doesn't need any words. And honestly, better no words than empty ones! Also, thanks for introducing me to Style Bubble, it really is a great blog. I'll be following your blog :)


I'd love to know what your thoughts are! I will do my best to visit your blog.
I speak english, french, and a little spanish.

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